PM2 in ElasticBeanstalk

Using PM2/Keymetrics in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

This page will guide you step by step through the PM2/Keymetrics integration in a Beanstalk environment. We recommend using the eb cli for easier deployment.

We created a repository for easy testing: pm2-ebs-demo.

Setup Beanstalk

Go to your application directory and use eb init to setup Beanstalk.

We need to make sure Beanstalk will try to launch your application by using npm start. To do so, add a file called Procfile at the root of your source bundle to specify the command that starts your application.


web: npm start

Integrate PM2

The easiest and less invasive way to monitor your application using PM2 is by requiring it as a npm module. We will simply change the package.json structure to let pm2 start the application. Just add pm2 to your app dependencies: npm install pm2 --save

Then we will need to change the startup scripts. We call PM2 from the node_modules folder:

"scripts": {
  "start": "./node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2-runtime app.js",
  "poststart":  "node ./node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 logs"
  • Customize the "start" script to fit your needs.
  • The "poststart" script is optional, but allows simple log checking directly on the AWS dashboard.

That’s all! Run eb deploy to get a PM2 instance on your ElasticBeanstalk instances with minimal overhead.

Integrate PM2 with Keymetrics

We need to pass two variables to PM2 from the environment to link it with Keymetrics: KEYMETRICS_PUBLIC and KEYMETRICS_SECRET.

  • When creating the environment from the cli: eb create --envvars KEYMETRICS_PUBLIC=XXXXX,KEYMETRICS_SECRET=XXXXXX
  • You can also add those variables in the AWS dashboard in the Software Configuration options.

Then follow-up the pm2 integration procedure, and pm2 will auto-link the application at start.

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